Artwork Description: The profile of a cat in silhouette, at the edge of a lake with a brilliant sunset in the background. The cat faces the falling sun, which disappears behind distant hills. The water is crystal blue while the sky and its reflection radiate with yellow and orange.
Artwork Description: A fluffy black cat wears the Dia de los Muertos mask of a human skull. The mask is white, with colorful designs around the eyes, nose, and mouth. Through holes in the mask the viewer can see the cat's brilliant blue eyes, little black nose, and extra long whiskers. A headdress of orange and yellow flowers surrounds the mask, including both marigolds and lilies. In addition, the cat wears several beaded necklaces that hang down below the mask. Behind the cat, a radial red design of skulls and flowers adorns the wall.
Artwork Description: A spooky fun lunar eclipse, featuring the silhouette of a fluffy cat sitting in the crook of a leafless tree. They are lit from behind by the red-orange glow of the full moon. The cat's tail curls gently under the tree branch, while a bat takes flight nearby, and a spider lurks on the far end of a branch. All three figures have reflective eyes that shine with color. The reddish sky reveals a field of stars as the eclipse nears totality.
Artwork Description: The silhouette of a cat sitting in profile on the bent trunk of a tree, watching a tumultuous sunset. The entire tree can be seen, with little clumps of leaves laced throughout the branches. Meanwhile the cat appears perfectly calm as the hazy horizon burns with the reds, oranges, and yellows of a setting sun. Higher up the sky fades to a smoky dark blue. The scene is apocalyptic and yet beautiful.
Enrapt by everything she saw,
her days were spent in constant awe.
This artwork has a graphic style. It features a black kitten with big round yellow eyes. The kitten looks alert, with the mouth forming a little "oh" of wonder and surprise. Behind the kitten, the background has a spatter of yellow dots over a patchwork of reds, oranges, purples, and greens.
This artwork features two figures in silhouette watching the night sky from the top of an outcrop. The first figure is a tree, slightly crouched into a startled posture, with branchy arms and fingers spread out in surprise. The second figure is an alert fluffy cat sitting next to the tree. Both figures have big round blue eyes, staring in wonder at something unknown in the foreground sky. The background is covered with bright stars and a nebula of purples, pinks, and blues.
When reality intrudes, and all you can do is hide in the shadows and watch it happen.
This artwork features a leafless tree with branches in the shape of a skeletal hand, bony fingers pointed towards the sky. A little black cat with green eyes peeks out from behind the trunk of the tree and looks directly at the viewer. The tree is in a clearing surrounded by tumultuous orange foliage.
"His destiny,
to take the throne.
The former heir
now overgrown. "
A black cat with a periwinkle flower on his head sits tall on an ornate wooden seat carved out of a tree stump. A skeletal arm pokes out from underneath the mass of flowers surrounding the base of the throne. Light rain fills the sky with a damp gloom.
They look like two, but they are one.
The first says come, the other, run.
You strategize which way to go
but there's a catch that you can't know.
The choice is moot, your options, none.
When first you met the game was done.
Two figures stand on a curved forest path. One is a skeletal form in a long red cloak. The other is a cat. The skeleton looks over her shoulder, smiling while meeting your eyes. The cat has turned fully towards you and stares defiantly. Both figures are backlit with a golden pink glow. Their red eyes demand an answer: follow, or turn back.
"Only in winter can you come to know
the soft and comforting silence of snow."
Two close friends, a cat and a skeleton, return to their special meeting place to contemplate the calm quiet of a night snow. Both figures face away from the viewer, the cat on the right sitting on a tall tree stump, and the skeleton on the left standing with its arm around the cat. They are in the shadow of several foreground trees, looking into the distance. A gentle snow falls from the sky, coating the ground in a thin layer of reflected white, while the full moon lights up the dark blue night sky.
"A figure of beauty
in purple and red.
She harbors a passion
for raising the dead."
A skeletal woman with red hair and a purple Victorian dress holds a scythe behind her back. Next to her sits a black cat wearing a casual glare. They wait patiently together in a grassy autumn field.
A gigantic black cat engages in a stare off with a tiny human skeleton.
A cat and a skeleton watch and wait together as the setting sun glows orange and yellow in the evening sky.
"Remember those no longer here
with gratitude for those still near."
Two close friends, a cat and a skeleton, return to their special meeting place to bask in the autumn glow. Both figures face away from the viewer, the cat on the right sitting on a tall tree stump, and the skeleton on the left standing with its arm around the cat. They are in the shadow of several foreground trees, looking into the distance. The trees and fields are covered in the orange, yellow, and gold colors of fall, softly lit by a butterscotch evening sky.
"Deep in the forest, completely alone.
With greenery ebbing, summer has flown.
A gaze from above, yes, something is there!
Heart thumping fast now, and fully aware.
Gathering courage, you face the unknown.
Up high sits a cat, whose eyes meet your own."
An inquisitive black cat sits up high in a tree looking down and directly into the eyes of a passerby. The tree is ablaze with fall color.
Two shadowy strangers encounter each other under the pale moonlight in a cemetery. Is one or the other a menace, or are they perhaps both misunderstood.
"Despite the beauty, you must surely know
that there are places you just shouldn't go."
A skeleton cautiously enters the forest through a foggy opening. The forest is beautiful but dark, covered in red leaves and brush. Laying in wait amidst the big gnarled trees are two cats, and the remnants of two other skeletons.
Delusions of modesty crammed in her head, she covered those bits even when she was dead.
Description: A surprised skeleton who has just emerged from her crypt holds up her hands to cover parts of her body. Six black cats watch with bemusement.
For just a few years the earth is our home.
And then we are dust in the catacomb.
This artwork features a dark gray cat in profile with a Dia de los Muertos sugar skull design and golden gilded whiskers. Included in the scene are three orange roses and a large green spider on a web. The background is of a textured red and orange coffin pattern.
Even though the humans fight, the animals will be alright.
Description: Two skeletons roughhouse by a tree under a crescent moon at dusk. A cat, a dog, and a raven watch the fracas. The raven screeches while the dog looks worried, and the cat turns to glare at the viewer.
Thirteen cats climbed up a tree,
expecting who knows what to see.
There they found a lone gray owl,
mistaking it for poultry fowl.
While owls aren't as wise as we once thought, we can assure you that this one is smart enough to get away unharmed.
"Here kitty kitty, said the affable tree.
I'd be mighty pleased with your company."
In a bright green anthropomorphic forest, a smiling tree bends down to pet a very wary dark gray cat. A bird nesting in the tree tips over as the tree bends, while the other trees watch with concern.
A skeleton and three cats watch a total solar eclipse at sunset. They know that their eclipse glasses are safe because they bought them from EarthSky.org.
A woman in a long dress and a cat walk down a road together, surrounded by brilliant red leaves that lay in contrast to a foggy sky. While some people long for the sun, others will find this overcast walk in the woods to be the epitome of a perfect day.
Your real friends are the ones who will help you hide a body.
Description: The viewer looks up from the bottom of a grave. A wide eyed skeleton and thirteen black cats peer over the edge of the grave with a giant moon looming overhead in a starlit night sky. The skeleton looks directly at the viewer while all the cats look at the skeleton.
I've been wanting to paint the topic of cats in space for quite awhile, so here is "Cosmos", my first painting along that theme. Have you ever wondered how a cat sees the universe? Maybe they, like us, think the cosmos revolves around them. In this case the cosmos is watching back in the form of a giant cats eye surrounded by crackling lightning in the midst of a beautiful and colorful nebula. A single cat observes the view from the platform of his own little ship of the imagination.
A skeleton stops to wave hello with her posse of thirteen cats in tow.
Description: A skeleton wearing a pink cat face mask and a fluffy black tail waves at the viewer. In the autumn colored bushes behind her, thirteen black cats wearing matching pink masquerade masks also look at the viewer.